
Explore our community directory to find professionals promoting health and wellbeing in various areas, including psychology, finance, and education, in multiple languages. 

Ps. Nicolás Pérez
Clinical Psychologist

I offer clinical psychology services with an analytical approach, exploring the unconscious for lasting emotional well-being.

WhatsApp +18092186564

Cristina Poyanco
Psicóloga con enfoque integrativo.

Acompaño en manejo de ansiedad, depresión, relación con la comida, autoestima, estrés, crisis vocacional, entre otros. Tengo formación en mindfulness y  Alta Sensibilidad (PAS). Enfoque humano y adaptable.

+56 9 8527 1153


Book here

Loreto Bacigalupo
Psicóloga con enfoque transpersonal.

Dedicada al trabajo de crecimiento personal; trastornos del ánimo; adaptación al cambio y Personas Altamente Sensibles (PAS), desde un ambiente acogedor y empático.


Francisca Cabrera

Intuitive tarot readings focus on spiritual development, evolution, and self-discovery with a loving, non-judgemental approach.

Spanish / English.

Instagram @Intuitivecardreading
WhatsApp +61 432 994 552
Book here

Evelyn Henriquez 

Terapéuta psicoanalítica y trabajadora social Australiana. 

Experta en trauma, enfermedades psicosomáticas, crisis circunstanciales, shock migratorio. Brindo poyo y tratamiento para adultos buscando autoconocimiento y bienestar permanente. 

Learn more

Aradhana Arya
Holistic Wellness Practitioner

Proud Indian born Australian who loves yoga, meditation, dancing, the beach, and spending time with my loved ones. Qualified mindset coach, yoga teacher and reiki master.

My service offerings are heart lead and they provide you with a safe space to achieve inner peace by releasing the fear of being judged by yourself & others

Terapeuta holistica

I'm Vanessa, a holistic therapist specializing in Bach Flower and Reiki. Together, we'll heal and empower you through holistic tools

Damian Gonzalez
Psychologist-Reiki Therapist.

I offer Reiki and counseling to help you overcome fears, trauma, and improve communication, behavior, emotions, and wellbeing. 

Whatsapp +64272598178

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